Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Little Victories!

My Aunt teaching my daughter to sew!
Yesterday we were able to pay for my daughter's dance, sewing lessons and my son's piano lessons. Sounds small? By no means is this a small accomplishment within this household. Let me explain...

My husband and I have chosen the path of entrepreneurship this past year has been a roller coaster ride as we attempt to navigate our way through our financial obligations, raising a family and opening two separate businesses. So for us to be able to say we paid for lessons, our lights, gas, water, and other bills are paid for is truly a miracle to us though it may appear to be a little victory to some.
My son with his piano instructor - Mrs. H.

I read once that a small sign of success is to celebrate the little victories!! So this is what we are doing -- it has been through HUGE amounts of faith and work we have gotten to this point. We are thankful and know from whom our blessings come. So as we continue to strive for survival in the midst of our "urban homeschooling" I will continue to blog....

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