Monday, September 13, 2010

Haman in a "Pimp Suit"

©VeggieTales: Esther, the Girl Who Became Queen (2000)
I'd like to start this post by saying that my husband and I try our best to raise our children in a Biblical/Christian lifestyle - though it may be different from the typical "Jesus is love" doctrine most modern day Christians adhere to today... it is still quite difficult. We censor everything that comes into our home from magazines, music, movies, etc but it never fails something always gets in unintended and the kids let us know!

For example, our children have grown up watching Veggie Tales which is a "Christian" based kids' animation show that always ends with a biblical message. Recently while watching an episode, "Esther, the Girl Who Became Queen" which we have seen numerous times my thirteen year old points out that the little Squash portraying the biblical character Haman is wearing a "pimp suit" while ushering women into his carriage. Yes, she said a "pimp suit!" Of course I had to know where she picked up that term and she couldn't even recall the origin as it is a term that is used very loosely and freely among my fellow church members and neighbors. I try to take everything in stride and giggled along with her when I looked at the image and what was happening... I had to agree BUT this is not a mute discussion!

This is that added dimension of complexity to homeschooling in an "urban" area. We are living by values and morals that seem quite odd to those around us - even within our own circle. We do not swear, no one in this house has ever smoked a blunt (that's marijuana to those who don't know) or done any other drugs, we have never been arrested, been shot, seen a drive by, had a gun pulled out on us, etc or many of the other stereotypes. We are consciously choosing to live according to the commandments and laws of God as dictated in the Holy Bible. We are encouraging our children to give back to a community that seems to be in a never-ending cycle of self destruction. Help out those less fortunate and turn the other cheek. However, the area in which we live does not make this lifestyle very easy. I would love if I could raise my children in area where neighbors aren't swearing up and down the street at each other, the girls didn't dress like women of the night on a regular basis and the men held doors open for women. It would be nice if part of our homeschooling time was not dedicated to explaining the negative impact of the word "pimp suit". However this is our reality so it is with sheer determination and strength we will press on to raise righteous and virtuous flowers amongst a city of thorns. Maybe it will be their light that shines as a beacon to others and helps to restore the reputation of the once thriving Gary, Indiana.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kimmie you have an uphill battle ahead of you but I know what you and Devin are doing is the right thing. Our kids have been exposed to many things way too early in life. We have made mistakes in raising our kids because we were not exposed to the TRUE word early enough. Keep on doing what you are doing and stay focused on the bigger picture and your efforts will prevail. Peace Quandra
